Dr. Henry Cotton, former head of the Psychiatric Industry, used pliers to pull out his patient's teeth to "restore mental health"
In order to understand and appreciate how insane Western Medicine became a hundred years ago and still is today, one needs to look no deeper than the story of the infamous Dr. Henry Cotton, who upon his death, was ironically referred to as "one of the most stimulatingfigures of our generation" by the American Journal of Psychiatry.
To this day, this insane medical freak is still being referred to as a "champion of conventional medicine," despite his medieval methods that tortured innocent human beings.
Not only did Dr. Cotton use pliers to yank teeth, claiming it would "improve mental health," but he surgically removed adrenal glands, sinuses, organs, intestines, ovaries and testicles, wildly guessing this might cure bacterial infections. Coincidentally though, this medieval torture is not so different than cancer treatments today.
In just two years, from 1919 to 1921, Dr. Cotton removed over 11,000 teeth from his patients at Trenton State Hospital (TSH) in New Jersey in order to treat insanity.
Then, after studying those results, he continued with this "infamous" research and removed tonsils, stomachs and colons. With women, he followed up with removal of the cervix, ovaries and fallopian tubes, and then finally the entire uterus. His death rate was over 30% after his butchering of the intestines.
Just like the Nazi's torturing of Jews who were enslaved and had no defense for abusive treatment, Cotton put his skeptical theories into practice in the U.S. during WWI, thanks to a captive audience and Western medicine's dictatorial power. Although Cotton had no evidence that mental disorders were caused by tooth decay or intestinal bacteria, his mental patients at his disposal at TSH had no legal recourse whatsoever.
There were no recorded attempts to gain informed consent, and his botched theories were put to the test without any ethical or moral concerns for the humanity or welfare of his patients.
Cotton simply lied and boasted of his successes to the gullible press and naive American public, much the way the FDA, CDC, and AMA do today with chemotherapy, radiation and cancer surgery. Millions of Americans are subjected to these obtuse, crude ways of dealing with a cellular disease which is caused by chemical ingestion.
Rarely does going "under the knife" cure cancer, but instead spreads the cancerous cells to other parts of the body.
Plus, chemotherapy and radiation break down the entire immune system and therefore set up naive patients for infection, more disease, and an expensive, slow, painful and miserable death.
As Dr. Cotton aged, his procedures became more radical and insane, especially because he had no political, legal, or medical ramifications for his actions. His reaction to the high death rate from colon operations was that he had simply not been "thorough" enough, and believed that he missed "pockets of infection" during the surgery.
He would go on to remove more teeth and more areas of the colon. It's a very similar story today when surgeons operate on cancer patients, telling them "we got it all," only to hear a year or two later, from the filthy rich doctor/oncologist, that the cancer has relocated, and the only solution to the problem is more surgery, chemo and radiation.
Which is more insane: pulling teeth to fix mental problems or treating a chemically driven disease (cancer) with toxic chemicals?
Most Americans today are fear-tortured into undergoing barbaric medical treatments by their Allopathic doctors, without any knowledge or advice about non-invasive, natural remedies. Not much has changed since the early 1900's in this regard. In fact, Dr. Cotton warned the public that the mental health crisis was "threatening the nation," saying it was so serious that something had to be done, and that "anything was better than nothing."
Dr. Cotton's insane treatments were not all voluntary either. Many patients were ruthlessly dragged kicking and screaming to the operating table, and then violently strapped down so the "treatment" could begin. Others actually paid big bucks to be tortured, just like for the unnecessary surgery and toxic pharmaceuticals administered today.
At one point, Dr. Cotton publicly announced a cure rate of 85 percent, but later admitted that his statistic included those who died from the treatment, because they were "no longer suffering" from the illness.
This is strikingly similar to the ACS/CDC statistics claiming they've cured cancer when post-treatment remission lasts five years, even when patients die shortly after that period.
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