Thursday, August 7, 2014

Man by Steve Cutts

MAN by Steve Cutts

The animated short known as MAN is a darkly comic, disturbing view of our species who wreaks havoc on other species and on nature itself. MAN is a parable of a man in conflict with the world at large, seeking power over rather than unity with it. MAN offers a biting commentary on this male character’s destructive and violent pathos. MAN shows a human being at his worst, creating vast suffering for animals at every turn. And in the end, MAN, sitting on his throne, is dealt a karmic blow. He is destroyed by beings from another planet who land on earth, squish him into a welcome mat, then shuffle off in their spaceship. 

At the very least, MAN will get many people thinking about how arrogant we are as a species. Yet, as Weil points, MAN offers no solution to the mess we’ve created.
MAN was produced by Steve Cutts, a London-based freelance artist who specializes in animation, illustration, and fine art. MAN was published on December 21, 2012. For more information on Steve Cutts and his work, see

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